Curly Hair Tips
Praise your daughter’s curly hair and tell her it is beautiful! By praising her hair when she’s young, that will help her to grow up loving her curls and embrace them as she gets older. As rough as it might be sometimes with those curly girls, don’t complain about their curls. We want those young girls to love their hair! Embrace those natural curls!
Hair Care Tips:
Never brush curly hair.
Only use wide-tooth combs (or your fingers), and comb curly hair when it is wet.
Don’t use a towel or hair dryer to dry curly hair – it is damaging and causes frizz.
If you must dry it with something, use a large t-shirt and just pat it dry.
Get regular trims so the ends stay even. This helps cut down on tangles by removing dry ends and keeping the hair even.
Keep baby/toddler hair shorter or shoulder-length until the baby hair grows out and it thickens up.
Don’t shampoo every day – every other day or every third day is sufficient. When you do shampoo, DooLittlez recommends Fairy Tales Curly Q Hydrating Shampoo and Conditioner.
Use a leave-in conditioner and comb it through the hair with a wide-tooth comb after her bath or shower.
Use plenty of conditioners – especially on the tips of the hair.
When using styling products, gently wrap several curls around your fingers to form bigger ringlet-like curls out of the smaller ones.